Making a few extra dollars on the side of your main income is not only satisfying, it’s also a great way of putting a little away for a rainy day. Online Stock Trading has become incredibly popular in recent years, and the tools to do so have developed considerably. Whether you’re looking for an easy way to manage your portfolio online or intend to use the internet to trade in more complex ways (such as FOREX, for example), there’s something for you in this category. The biggest advantage to trading online is the feeling of instant gratification – users can trade instantly, see the rises and falls in the value of their investment and sell instantly when the price is right.
Online Stock Trading can be a complex thing to get head around the first few times you do it, but our reviews and buying guide in this category help you get to grips with what’s on offer at each service with ease, so you know exactly what to expect when you log on for the first time. These sites offer users a range of features that help them trade with greater ease and efficiency, helping them maximize their gains. Finding a service that meets your level of experience is most important – by dabbling in trades you don’t fully understand you do open yourself up to losses, so it’s worth checking out our reviews to find out which services offer features and tools tailored to particular levels of experience and understanding. Finally, fees are also worth bearing in mind. Like traditional stockbrokers, the brokers themselves charge a fee for their part in the deal and Online Stock Trading sites are no different – again, our reviews detail the amount you can expect to pay in fees so you know before you start trading how much each trade will cost you.
Our No.1 Choice Award in this category goes to OptionsXpress, a fantastic service that lets its users leverage a wide range of tools to their advantage, making their trades easier and more profitable. Favored by professionals and amateur traders alike, we enjoyed using the OptionsXpress downloadable trading application, giving users access to all of the information they need at the touch of a button. We also enjoyed the fact that OptionsXpress is fully mobile compatible, with a iPhone and Android App being available to help users monitor their investments on-the-go. While we loved OptionsXpress, this category is large and did throw up quite a few good options, including OptionsHouse, E*Trade Financial, city giants Charles Schwab and Merrill Edge and many others. All of these services offer high quality technology and tools that help users to trade high value futures, options and stocks with ease.
If you’re thinking of giving online stock trading a go, our USA Online Stock Trading Reviews offer all of the information you will need to make a decision about which service would be right for your needs. Not only is it great fun, it’s also a rewarding way to create a little nest-egg for college tuition, a wedding fund or even a nice holiday – give it a try today!
Friday, 15 February 2013
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